Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Energy Savings at Home!

Gault Inc., Since 1863
Westport | 203-227-5181
Bethel | 203-790-9023 

Rest assured, without sacrificing comfort, there are many ways to improve your home's energy habits.

Let Gault Energy show you how to save energy today by scheduling a Home Energy Solutions assessment today. For a small fee, Gault's Energy Audit Specialist will conduct a top-to-bottom energy assessment of your home. The specialist will identify where and how you can save energy and will present multiple options, from simple changes to more comprehensive ones. It's a small investment, for a payoff that can save you hundreds, or even thousands in energy costs over time.

Did you know?
Many home devices unnecessarily consume electricity, even when you're not at home or asleep! Even a small appliance, if left plugged in when not actively in use, can "steal" kilowatts 24/7?

Read more on Gault Energy’s 10 Step Check Up here - http://goo.gl/xnnEs