Friday, August 9, 2013

The Sun is Flipping Out!...Not Kidding.

Gault Inc., Since 1863
Westport | 203-227-5181
Bethel | 203-790-9023

A rare scientific phenomenon the likes of which only happen every 22 years, the sun is about to flip out no pun intended. The monstrous star’s is flipping meaning its north pole becomes its south pole and vice versa, and the sun is bring its magnetic energy with it.  According to NASA, the impact of this switch will be affected across the entire solar system.

What’s it mean for us aka earth? Corey Powell from Discover magazine warned of a greater risk of blackouts due to increased solar activity that causes the magnetic pole flip. Powell says the measure of such blackouts would be enormous, as severe solar super storms would be possible estimating 1-2 trillion dollars in damage in the U.S. alone.

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For more information about this scientific phenomenon CLICK HERE.